Barn owl quiz answers

Barn owl

barn owl - Russell Savory

Barn owl quiz answers

1. What is the Latin name for a barn owl? Tyto alba

2. What does the Latin name translate to? ‘White owl’

3. Name the 2 other species of owl in Ireland? Long-eared and short-eared

4. Name the 3 main species of barn owl prey in NI? Wood mouse, pygmy shrew, young rats

5. How old is the oldest known barn owl? 26! (Barnaby from the Ohio Wildlife Centre), there was a wild one in England that was 15!

6. What do you call owl chicks? Owlets

7. What is the difference between a male and female barn owl’s appearance? Males paler and females darker, females can have spots on their flanks and a buff throat.

8. What is the name for the undigested hair and bones that owls cough up? A pellet

9. How many rodents does a barn owl approximately eat in a year? 4000

10. Approx. how many barn owl pairs do we have left in NI? Less than 30

11. What is a group of owls called? A parliament

12. Are males or female barn owls heavier? Females (F – 360g, M – 330g)

13. Barn owls are found in every continent in the world except 1, can you name it? Antarctica

14. What is the minimum height a barn owl box should be placed on a tree? 3m

15. Which sense does a barn owl rely on the most, sight, hearing or smell? Hearing

16. What is the Irish name for a barn owl? ‘Scréachóg reilige’ or the graveyard schreecher!

17. How many degrees can barn owl turn their heads? 270 in both directions

18. In Irish folklore, which eerie female figure is the barn owl linked to? The Banshee

19. Which of these habitats is ideal for barn owls; woodland, upland bog or rough grassland? Rough grassland

20. Barn owls leave lots of evidence if they are occupying an area; can you name the 3 key signs? White wash (droppings), pellets and feathers

How you can help barn owls