Views, positions and consultations

Our views, positions and consultations

We stand up for nature by working with politicians and decision-makers to influence government policy and by responding to key consultations to get a better deal for nature in Northern Ireland. 

Below you will find our views and positions on several key issues affecting nature in Northern Ireland, including our responses to notable consultations. 

As a lead member of the NI Marine Task Force, we are also involved in many marine consultations


Lough Neagh Algal Bloom

A long term strategy is needed to deal with the interconnected combination of issues

Lough Neagh Algal Bloom
Our Position

Badgers and bovineTB

We stand up for badgers and oppose the killing of large numbers of healthy badgers as part of the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) plans to eradicate bovine tuberculosis. 

Badgers & bovineTB

Islandmagee Gas Caverns Storage Judicial Review

We still have significant concerns regarding impacts on marine biodiversity in this designated area and remain committed to working with interested parties.

Our consultation response


Wildfires pose a big risk to some of our most fragile habitats and species, damaging or destroying vegetation, wildlife and soil structure and releasing carbon and other pollutants into the atmosphere, thereby contributing to climate change. Read more about our response
